Road act

15 января 2018 50

In transit through Romania, the police wrote me an act . I did not understand why. I was driving in a column with many other cars, quiet, without overtaking. The policeman stopped us, but he spoke only in Romanian. I speak Bulgarian, Russian, English. I did not understand why he stopped us. We did not want to argue, though we did not see a good reason for the fine. We signed up without understanding why we were fined. I am far from Romania. How do we pay the fine on NET or bank, what are our rights and obligations ?! Please answer in Russian or English! Thank you in advance! I hope for a quick answer! With respect!

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Alexandru Ţurcan
  • Адвокат
  • Экономическое право

Hello! Sorry to hear that. This is a portal of lawyers from Moldova. You would need to find someone in Romania to answer your question. You could try here, but this website has no English capability

19 января 2018